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View the Recording of the March 17 State Street Forum on Faith and Public Life - Caring for Home Health Care Workers


Caring for Home Health Care Workers

State Street Forum on Faith and Public Life

View the recording of the Forum here.

Thursday, March 17th, 12 noon to 1:00 pm

If you are part of a congregation in New York State, you are likely aware of the massive shortage of home health care workers in our state which makes it much harder for people who need care to stay in their own homes or return home after time in the hospital. You may also know someone who works as a home health care worker--and know how low their wages are and how difficult their working conditions can be.  The Fair Pay for Home Care Act (A6329A/S5374A) would guarantee fair pay for home health workers, create jobs and help people move off of public assistance.  We'll discuss the campaign and consider other ways in which faith communities can support the people who are doing the sacred work of providing care to vulnerable members of our community.

The State Street Forum is co-sponsored by Westminster Presbyterian Church, the New York State Council of Churches and the FOCUS Churches of Albany.

Topic: State Street Forum
Time: Mar 17, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Event Summary

Zoom Event
Start Time:
March 17, 2022

12:00 pm

End Time:
March 17, 2022 1:00 PM
Time Zone:
Zoom Event
Time Zone:
UTC-4 [EDT] Eastern Daylight Time