Community Solar

Thank you for your interest in the New York State Council of Churches community solar program developed in partnership with Crauderueff and Associates–a highly experienced solar consulting company in New York City. Together we partner under a grant from NYSERDA. 

As a Council we can help you and your congregation and community save and even make money while saving the environment. 

Sign up as an Individual for community solar. If you are a renter or homeowner in National Grid territory, you will save 10% off your electric bill. In addition, when you sign up, your faith community will receive $100 when you sign up. 

If you wish to fill out the form on paper and share it with others, click here for the individual sign up form

If you would like to speak with us to explain how it works, schedule a time to talk further about any questions you may have at your convenience. You can also write to or call Andrew Pontius at 206-947-2246 or or Peter Cook, 508-380-8289 or to answer questions. 

For Faith Communities 

  1. We can sign up your congregation to save 10% of its electric bill on its buildings by tapping into an existing solar field. 


  1. Your congregation leadership can authorize the distribution of community solar sign up forms to parishioners and indeed anyone in their municipality to save 10% on their personal electric bill whether they are a renter or an owner.  For every person the congregation signs up, they would receive $100. For example, if the church gets 30 parishioners/community members to sign up the congregation gets $3,000. 

If your congregation would like to get your building signed up for community solar and/or distribute forms to your parishioners to sign up, please use the signup form at this link and we will follow up.

We will follow up with you right away if you are in National Grid territory. If you are not in National Grid territory, use the link anyway and we will put you on a waiting list for utility areas where we are currently negotiating solar contracts but may only be able to offer more modest discounts and dollars paid out per subscription.