Selected Events & Action

12 PM - State Street Online Forum - Advocating for Housing Justice - Watch the Video


State Street Forum - Advocating for Housing Justice

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December 16, 2021, 12 noon-1:00 pm

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are just beginning to be evident, especially when it comes to housing.  An eviction moratorium has only postponed the eviction of tens of thousands of families who were  unable to pay their rent due to job loss or other factors during the pandemic shutdown.  The recovery of our economy is dependent on finding a solution to this impending crisis, but the solutions must be more than band-aids.  Can churches and other faith communities be a part of the solution?

Our conversation will be informed by the insights of Ted Houghton, President of Gateway Housing (, a newly-established not-for-profit organization that seeks to promote expansion of housing for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in New York City and across the state.  We'll also hear from a minister whose congregation is directly involved with creating affordable housing in its community.

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Event Summary

Zoom Event
Start Time:
December 16, 2021

12:00 pm

End Time:
December 16, 2021 1:00 PM
Time Zone:
Zoom event
Time Zone:
UTC-5 [EST] Eastern Standard Time