Selected Events & Action

A Cord of Three Strands: Series on the Future of the American Church


FREE registration here

This series of webinars imagines the possibilities and opportunities open to communities of faith when we commit ourselves to our shared humanity. Join our diverse panel of thinkers, both spiritual and secular, as they consider some of the roadblocks that stand in the way of our hopeful future united in faith. In an unflinching look at our own participation in the societal issues that cause division, panelists Natarsha Prince Sanders, J. Cody Nielson, Debby Irving, and Cynthia Pesantez offer a space to explore the current state of faith communities through the lens of belonging. Participants will get an overview of the concerns, be introduced to restorative practices, and do “heart work” in which they get to interrogate their own participation in dominant culture.

Participants will leave this series with

  • a better understanding of the barriers to deep community connection and church longevity
  • a clearer view of how dominant culture impacts our own identities, and
  • a set of effective tools for engaging in conversation about faith and more

This series is for you if you have been or currently are part of a faith community of any denomination.

FREE registration here

Session 1
Owning Your Faith's Story
Thursday / September 5th / 8pm ET

Panelists share their own faith stories, woven together with US religious history, to explore the current state of faith communities through the lens of their own senses of community and belonging. What has been the impact of dominant culture on our (including your) sense of belonging?

Session 2
More than just connection: reclaiming communion within congregations

Thursday / September 26th / 8pm ET

We’ll explore our collective inability or unwillingness to connect with vulnerability within our congregations and communities. How can we transform the conversation when we are harmed or do harm, from retaliatory to restorative?

Session 3
Committing to our shared humanity: looking within for solutions

Thursday / October 17th / 8pm ET

Faith without works is dead, but what is informing that work? We’ll dive into the ways we talk to ourselves and each other that could be hindering our journey towards communion, both in our congregations and in our communities. How do we go from performative allyship to the deep personal work necessary for meaningful communion?

FREE registration here

Join Us!

Event Summary

Start Time:
September 26, 2024

8:00 pm

End Time:
September 26, 2024 9:00 PM
Time Zone:
Time Zone:
UTC-4 [EDT] Eastern Daylight Time