Selected Events & Action

Federal Climate Superfund Zoom Briefing


Big news– Senator Van Hollen and Representative Nadler are getting ready to introduce federal Polluter Pays bills!

This legislation will hold Big Oil and Gas accountable for the damage they have knowingly caused AND increase the revenue for critical disaster response, climate resilience, and environmental justice programs.

The federal Polluter Pays legislation follows the introduction of polluter pays bills in state houses across the country, including the passage of the first climate superfund bill in Vermont! Momentum is building to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for the damage and suffering they have caused.

Fossil Free Media is hosting a Polluter Pays briefing with staff from both Senator Van Hollen and Representative Nadler’s offices on Wednesday, August 28th, at 3ET. Please register HERE for the briefing! This is a critical opportunity to support our champs standing up to Big Oil and Gas. We hope you will join us and learn about this critical legislation which both holds the industry accountable and funds critical programs that our community has fought for.

What: Polluter Pays Briefing

When: Wednesday, August 28th, 3pm

Who: Alex Swanson (Senator Van Hollen) and Andrew Heineman (Representative Nadler)

Register: Polluter Pays Briefing

Senator Van Hollen’s team is also seeking endorsements – please consider endorsing this legislation!

Polluter Pays One-pager

Polluter Pays Section by Section

Polluter Pays Legislative Text

Polluter Pays Endorsement Form

Join Us!

Event Summary

Start Time:
August 28, 2024

3:00 pm

End Time:
August 28, 2024 5:00 PM
Time Zone:
UTC-4 [EDT] Eastern Daylight Time