Selected Events & Action

FSA & IONY Lobby Day - Tax the Rich


On 9/17, Fair Share America will be hosting a lobby day in DC, ahead of the expiration of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, to demand that Congress tax the rich! IONY has been invited to join FSA on the 17th for a day of lobby meetings and rallies. We will be coordinating travel to and from DC for folks participating from NY.

Want to join us in DC on the 17th? Please register by September 6th here

In addition to the lobby day, FSA is hosting a training on the federal tax work on the 18th in DC - this training is optional but please let us know if you want to participate. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Background: In 2017, the Trump administration worked to pass a set of laws (the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act aka TCJA) that changed the federal tax code to benefit the ultra-rich by reducing corporate tax rates, cutting individual income taxes for the highest earners, and making other changes to the tax code the benefit the rich. Some parts of the TCJA are set to expire next year - and Republicans have made it part of their top priorities to extend and deepen tax cuts for the ultra-rich. These tax cuts have meant that the federal government has missed out on TRILLIONS of dollars - dollars that could go to our public schools, to public housing, to social safety net programs (like Medicaid or Social Security) and more.

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Event Summary

Start Time:
September 17, 2024

9:00 am

End Time:
September 17, 2024 9:00 PM
Time Zone:
Washington, DC
Time Zone: