Many who attended our December conference, "Don't Blame Poor People" which examined the structural causes of poverty on Long Island, left with enthusiasm to take action. Then, as so often happens, the doubts set in.
Well, such doubts are perfectly normal. But so are successful actions to take on unjust structures. Yes, you can make a difference. Yes we can.
This is why in our May 14th Zoom panel, "Si Se Puede/Yes We Can," Abraham's Table of Long Island, Long Island Jobs with Justice and the Poor People's Campaign - LI Region are profiling four successful community actions that have made a difference fighting poverty on Long Island.
Use the registration link on the flyer above to join us as we listen to how these Long Islanders have made a difference:
The evening will begin with a brief professionally-produced video summary of our poverty conference and end with opportunities for you to take action. Please join us for this powerful and important program.
In solidarity,
Abraham's Table of Long Island
Long Island Jobs with justice
The Poor People's Campaign - LI Region