Selected Events & Action

Healing and Justice in the Arts


AMOS Justice Ministries in Action initiative is hosting an exciting new program titled, Healing & Justice in the Arts, on Thursday, July 18 from 2-4pm. Join us as we explore the connections between faith, justice and art and learn to express ourselves in a supportive environment alongside others!

"Led by Sister Barbara Schwarz, this program will explore the connection between faith/spirituality, healing and justice, and the arts. Many forms of art will be used that require no formal skills. Faith and the Spirit will lead the way. All will be part of an interactive creative process. Join us as we explore our individual and collective inspirations, create justice inspired art, and build new connections with one another!"

To RSVP head to this link. A $25 contribution is requested to cover the cost of program supplies.

In solidarity,

The LIJWJ AMOS Justice Ministries in Action Work Group

Join Us!

Event Summary

Start Time:
July 18, 2024

2:00 pm

End Time:
July 18, 2024 4:00 PM
Time Zone:
Amityville, NY
Time Zone: