Selected Events & Action

NYSCOC Faith and Housing: A Statewide Approach


The New York State Council of Churches invites faith leaders from across New York to join an interfaith virtual conversation “Faith and Housing: A Statewide Approach”,  focused on addressing the critical housing crisis and advancing affordable housing solutions. This inclusive dialogue will bring together leaders of all faiths, reflecting the unity and collaborative effort necessary to tackle the housing crisis effectively. The meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday, September 24th, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

New York has faced a severe housing crisis, evidenced by the loss of 500,000 residents over the past four years due to skyrocketing rents, rapidly dwindling affordable housing stock, and increasing displacement. Religious institutions have been on the frontlines, advocating for policies to mitigate these issues and providing direct support to their communities.

This virtual gathering encourages faith leaders to share their work and experiences of the housing crisis in their communities,  as well as learn about the legislative and policy solutions and how to  leverage our collective influence and resources in support of vulnerable populations. Your participation is crucial in shaping strategies that address both immediate needs and long-term solutions for affordable housing.

We encourage all faith leaders to register for this important meeting and to share this invitation with your networks! 

To register for the interfaith virtual meeting on September 24th from 10:00am-12:00pm and for further details, please visit or contact Rashida Tyler, Deputy Executive Director for more details.

Join Us!

Event Summary

Zoom Event
Start Time:
September 24, 2024

10:00 am

End Time:
September 24, 2024 12:00 PM
Time Zone:
Time Zone:
UTC-4 [EDT] Eastern Daylight Time