Selected Events & Action

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour - Opening Session with Rev. Jimmie Hawkins


Presbyterian Advocacy Hour - Opening Session with Rev. Jimmie Hawkins

February 26th 12 pm ET  

Register Today!

As Christians, we are called to act in the face of suffering, injustice and strife – to be repairers of the breach. The fuel behind such action is a mixture of faith, hope, discernment, spiritual nourishment, and community.  

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour will bring together committed people of faith each month to fuel up with information on the most pressing issues. Church members, lay leaders, pastors, mid-council staff, all Presbyterians and friends are welcome! Get nourishment for your spirit, essential connections and resources, relationship building, and direction on how to stay in righteous movement while being your best self.  

After the first overview session in February, each month we’ll dive deeply into one area of concern and provide the knowledge you need to take effective and focused action. The hour will start with spiritual grounding and then move to in-depth analysis of key issues.  There will be an additional optional 30 minutes for time to network, movement-building, community-building and feedback on helping to shape what you need from these monthly advocacy hours.

There is a barrage of pressing issues we might react to, but we contribute most faithfully with quality action and a loving presence. Lets resource each other and do church in a world that needs every single one of us!

Stay connected, stay informed, and stay active!

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Event Summary

Zoom Event
Start Time:
February 26, 2025

12:00 pm

End Time:
February 26, 2025 1:00 PM
Time Zone:
UTC-4 [EDT] Eastern Daylight Time