Selected Events & Action

12 PM - Press Conference in Albany on the "Covenant on Behalf of New York's Newest New Yorkers"


September 26 at 12 PM - Press Conference in Albany at the Capitol on State Street

The New York State Council Churches, Interfaith Center of NY and many faith leaders, lay activists and volunteers who are working with asylum seekers, have drafted what we hope will become a Covenant between the faith community, state, county and local governments on behalf of those seeking asylum in New York.

The New York State Council of Churches and Interfaith Center of New York will be holding a press conference to introduce the "Covenant on Behalf of New York's Newest New Yorkers" on Tuesday, September 26th from 12- 1 pm outside of the NYS State Capitol (State Street Entrance).

This press conference follows one held in NYC on September 12th, which was subsequently covered in the Daily News and Gothamist. Holding press conferences in both NYC and Albany reflects that we need a statewide approach and for faith leaders, advocates, elected officials and community leaders from across the state to support the covenant.

Please RSVP here.

The Covenant recognizes that the faith community and government both have similar objectives for the well-being of Asylum-seekers in our state.

Please join us at this press conference as we work together to make New York a welcoming and supportive place for those seeking asylum. We believe that by joining forces, we can create a brighter future for all. 

We are meeting at the Capitol Building in Albany (State St. Entrance).

The Covenant emphasizes the vital collaboration we need among local, state, and federal officials and the faith community in providing assistance to asylum seekers. It also recognizes that the faith community and government both have similar objectives for the well-being of Asylum-seekers in our state. The areas we believe are the most critical to realizing these goals are:

  • a thoughtful arrival and welcome process;

  • a more strategic approach to housing;

  • greater support for schools with large immigrant enrollments; an accelerated work authorization system;

  • easier access to legal assistance;

  • increased coordination among levels of government; and full transparency regarding funding and decision making.

Each of these areas is discussed in greater detail in the body of our covenant. Please read the full covenant here and see the list of 200 signers to date. If you have not already done so, please sign-on to the covenant here. You may sign as an individual or organization. People of all faiths,  houses of worship, law makers, business and union leaders, not-for-profits and concerned citizens who just want to do their best to extend a bold welcome in our state are all invited to join in the covenant by signing.

We encourage clergy members attending to wear their regalia, symbolizing the unity and strength of our faith community in this important endeavor.

Join Us!

Event Summary

Start Time:
September 26, 2023

12:00 pm

End Time:
September 26, 2023 1:00 PM
Time Zone:
Time Zone:
UTC-4 [EDT] Eastern Daylight Time