Selected Events & Action

Shut Rikers Rally


This Tuesday, July 9, at 1 pm, we’re holding a Shut Rikers rally at Foley Square (at Lafayette Street, Worth Street, and Centre Street) in Lower Manhattan. At 2 pm, the U.S. District Court in Manhattan will hold a hearing about Rikers. The judge could order the control of the Rikers Island jail complex to be taken from the Adams administration and assigned to an independent receiver who would be tasked with reducing violence and addressing its long-standing problems and mismanagement. More than 75 community groups and current and former officials support the call for a federal receiver to take over at Rikers – and the list is growing.

RSVP here to join us this Tuesday, July 9, at 1 pm for the Shut Rikers rally.

Under Mayor Eric Adams, conditions at Rikers have gotten worse and at least 31 people have died in city jails. Violence and dysfunction at Rikers continue to be out of control. Last Thursday, the federal monitor appointed to Rikers issued a new report stressing that “the jails remain dangerous and unsafe, characterized by a pervasive, imminent risk of harm to both people in custody and staff.” As the Department of Correction fails to keep people incarcerated safe, immediate action is needed to save lives! We're taking action this Tuesday – can you join us?

For more information about Tuesday’s rally, check out this press advisory.

If you have any questions, please contact our organizing director Melanie at 516-588-0127 or email

Join Us!

Event Summary

Start Time:
July 9, 2024

1:00 pm

End Time:
July 9, 2024 2:00 PM
Time Zone:
Foley Square
Time Zone: