Selected Events & Action

"Women in Struggle" Screening & Teach In


Join us on Friday, September 6 at 7 pm at May Day Space to learn about the connections between the Palestinian resistance and the abolitionist movement in New York and across the country.

We will screen Women in Struggle, a powerful film by Buthina Canaan Khoury that sheds light on the realities and resistance of Palestinian women imprisoned by the Zionist entity.

Following the screening, stay for a panel and teach-in with Jose Saldana (RAPP Director), Laura Whitehorn (RAPP Co-Founder), and Leila Boutros (Samidoun NYC/NJ) about the connections between movements and why prisoners are central to the global struggle for liberation.

This Screening and Teach-in is a fundraiser for RAPP and Samidoun.
Responding to the latest attacks on towns in the occupied West Bank by Israeli military and settlers, we will donate a portion of the funds to the Friends of the Freedom Theater, a cultural resistance organization in Jenin.

While the suggested donation for General Admission is $25, at this time we ask that those who are able, please buy 2 or 3 extra tickets for our community to attend the screening.


Join Us!

Event Summary

Start Time:
September 6, 2024

7:00 pm

End Time:
September 6, 2024 10:00 PM
Time Zone:
MayDay Space, 176 St Nicholas Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11237
TimeĀ Zone:
UTC-4 [EDT] Eastern Daylight TimeĀ