Selected Sign On

We have 22 organizations that are collecting petition signatures and are looking to generate 50-70k petition signatures to be delivered to Governor Hochul's NYC office on Tuesday, September 24.

The groups that are currently collecting signatures are: 198 Methods,, Action for the Climate Emergency, Avaaz, Center for Biological Diversity, Citizen Action of New York, Climate Hawks Vote, Climate Reality Project, Eko, Food and Water Watch, Fossil Free Media, GreenFaith, New Yorkers for Clean Power, NY Lawyers for the Public Interest, NY Renews, NY-RAC, NYPIRG, Rivers and Mountains GreenFaith, Sunrise Movement, Surfrider, Third Act, Tompkins County Climate Protection,

If your group or another group you know of is collecting signatures and not on this list, please let me know! I'll be following up with these groups later this week to get numbers.

And for those who don't know, we'll be doing a fun petition delivery action to Governor Hochul's NYC office on Tuesday, Sept 24th at 12pm. Join us by RSVPing here.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you want to take on a role at the delivery action. We'd love to have as many people in this crew as possible!

Take Action Today!